Annular Tears




Annular Tears

Instructor: James Demetrious, DC, DABCO

Cost: $25.00 / 1.0 CE Hour

  • Course Description: This course reviews intervertebral disc annular tears, associated research, epidemiology, asymptomatic/symptomatic prevalence, MRI findings, IVD degeneration/regeneration, and chiropractic care.
  • Hourly Breakdown:
    • Hour 1 – The annular tear, asymptomatic/symptomatic prevalence, radicular effects, MRI findings, IVD nutrition, degeneration/regeneration, and associated chiropractic care.
  • Learning Objectives:
    • Attendees will better understand concepts related to annular tears.
    • Attendees will gain insight into the epidemiology and asymptomatic/symptomatic prevalence.
    • Attendees will be able to better relate annular tears and their role in the genesis of IVD degeneration.
  • Instructor: James Demetrious, DC, DABCO

Dr. James Demetrious is a nationally distinguished, board-certified chiropractic orthopedist. He teaches post-graduate coursework through his company PostGradDC. He is a proud member of the NCMIC Speakers’ Bureau and teaches throughout the United States. Dr. Demetrious has published peer-reviewed papers related to advanced differential diagnosis. Notably, he published the very first paper to ever associate fluoroquinolone medications as a causative risk factor of Cervical Artery Dissection. He has continually cared for patients since 1986.