Cervical Artery Dissection-DDX© Certification Examination




Cervical Artery Dissection-DDX© Certification Examination

Cost: $50
Having completed the requisite coursework, you are eligible to take a final examination to attain your CAD-DDX© Certification.
Upon successful completion of this examination, your Certificate of Completion will be available as a PDF document in your account.

Disclaimer: By taking and successfully completing the PostGradDC CAD-DDX© Certification coursework and examination, you affirm and agree that this certification confers that you have completed educational coursework and does not imply, warrant or guarantee clinical competence nor does it protect you in the event of the future liability. You agree and understand that PostGradDC, its affiliates, and James Demetrious, DC, DABCO do not represent coursework or certifications as standards of care, and agree to hold those entities harmless in the event of future liability of any kind.