The Chiropractic Adjustment is Extraordinary

Written by: James Demetrious, DC, DABCO

Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist

The Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

Fundamentally, the chiropractic spinal adjustment facilitates segmental motion to the impaired mobility of joint complexes. It improves physiologic and micro-environmental exchanges of oxygen, food, and waste. CSF flows, cytokines are delivered, intraneural flow is restored, inflammation resorbs, fibrosis re-aligns, and end organs regain homeostasis.

History, Reason, Extensive Training, and Execution

The chiropractor is uniquely qualified to perform the spinal adjustment to restore health and quality of life. Osteopaths, physical therapists, and other less-trained individuals attempt spinal manipulation. The result is often inferior to the expert care rendered by chiropractic physicians.

New Research

In their, recent paper, Nyirö et al. reported, “Despite substantial clinician-dependent variability, the high repeatability of thoracic SM thrusts suggests a level of standardization in SM delivery, indicating that chiropractors might have ‘their’ individual force–time profile that they are capable to reproduce.”

This article provides unique qualifying evidence of the reproducibility of expert chiropractic care.


The gift of chiropractic is the understanding and ability to restore health with our hands, hearts, and intelligence. It is not a expensive surgery, injection, or therapeutic gimmick of the week. It is touching people with surgical precision, training, understanding, care, and the intent of a loving parent.


  1. Nyirö, L., Gorrell, L.M., Cecchini, V. et al. Variability and repeatability of spinal manipulation force–time characteristics in thoracic spinal manipulation on a manikin. Chiropr Man Therap 32, 33 (2024).

For a more in-depth review of this topic, advanced CE is available at

© 2024 – James Demetrious, DC, DABCO. Open Access. Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction are allowed in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit by citing the original author and source: Demetrious J. The Chiropractic Adjustment is Extraordinary.; 2024.